
The group had its inaugural meeting in Traralgon, Victoria in 1981 and in the early years comprised some 12 - 15 members from Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Tasmania.
At that time there was a dual-headed management system in Victoria, where the Town Clerk and the City Engineer were responsible individually to the council. However, the Victorian local government act was amended to allow the councils to appoint a Chief Executive Officer as head of staff.
This caused the emergence of a new breed of CEOs whose common interest in unitary management could not be serviced by existing professional organisations. Accordingly, they set up the Local Government Chief Officers' Group with colleagues known to be pursuing a corporate style in other states.
It was initially decided to limit the membership to 30 to ensure all members could actively participate in meetings. When the limit was reached, a second group was formed and the two were ultimately combined to form the present one with a membership limit of 70. This limit was previously increased formally 130 but in recent years actual membership now at 250.
The Group had a loose affiliation with the New Zealand Main Centre CEO's Group and during the 80`s and 90`s trans-Tasman meetings were held, alternating between Australia and New Zealand. In 2002 the Group admitted New Zealand members for the first time, with a limit of 15.
There has never been a formal structure or secretariat for the group. There is no hierarchy of honorary positions, and the Group co-ordination has been achieved through one member acting as National Registrar, and the councils that host meetings providing the resources necessary for the calling and conduct of meetings.
The National Registrar keeps membership records and liaises with host council CEOs over the conduct of meetings. There are no subscriptions and the only costs are those associated with attending the meetings e.g. travel and meals etc.
It has been in the interest of the Group to remain informal, without a constitution, although there is an emerging need to accurately define meeting attendance criteria and the process for nominations of new members.
• To act as a forum for the exchange of experience and information between Chief Officers to benefit their councils in particular and local government in general.
• To utilise the experience and knowledge of Chief Officers at various government and organisational levels.
• To facilitate the professional development and training of Chief Officers.
The group meets 3 times a year in different locations (normally in different states of Australia or in New Zealand and noting that regular meetings have been significantly disrupted due to the COVID Pandemic over the past 2 years.). Members offer their councils as hosts, involving the provision of meeting facilities and a Mayoral welcome. All other costs are born by participants via a registration fee or account for actual meals.
Meetings are held in the last week of the month (if convenient) preferably commencing with an evening Welcome Reception on Wednesday followed by business sessions commencing on Thursday into Friday morning concluding with lunch.
They often commence with a tour of local interest, and have the following components:
• Speakers on key local government and management issues
• Interstate comparative information
• Papers on specific topics by members
• Panel sessions or free sessions to allow members to raise/discuss current/emerging issues
Meetings are exclusive to members and consultant attendance is not favoured unless they are speakers at the meeting. A host CEO will often invite colleagues to observe the meeting, but the number should be restricted.
Membership Criteria
The member shall hold the position of permanent head of staff (Chief Executive Officer, General Manager or the like) of a local government in Australia or New Zealand.
Nominations can be made by any member on a prescribed form and must be received in writing by the National Registrar prior to the closure of the Group meeting agenda.
Membership is decided by a simple majority vote at a group meeting, when the nominator/s must be present to support their nominations.
CEO’s being nominated can attend the business sessions other than the group meeting, as observers.
It is a requirement of membership that a commitment is demonstrated to attending meetings throughout the year. Apologies should be forwarded to the National Registrar when Members are unable to attend. In the event that a member misses three meetings in a row a conversation is to occur with the National Registrar as to the members intentions and this may be made known to the broader membership at the next meeting as/when appropriate.
In the event that a member misses in excess of 3 meetings and the above process is not followed then membership would be recommended to lapse at the next group meeting.
A member who forfeits membership or resigns can be re-nominated at a later meeting. If a member is re-nominated following lapsing under the 3-meeting rule and does not attend the next meeting following re-nomination then the membership will lapse.
In the event that a member is ceasing in a role but intends to seek another equivalent role then an application for membership suspension may be lodged with the National Registrar and discussed at the next scheduled meeting.
Former Members or Alumni are welcome to attend LGCOG Meetings when/if they are available in their area and the host CEO/GM may issue a broader invitation to those known.